Martin Lange

In 2007 I began my bachelor studies at the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Science. During the 4th semester I joined the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Edda Tobiasch to gain first insights into research and later on perform my bachelor thesis. During this time I worked on the influence of adipogenic differentiation of stem cells on endothelial cells as an in vitro model for the metabolic syndrome.

In 2010 I continued my studies at the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Science and joined the master program “Biomedical Sciences”. I performed my master thesis externally at the Harvard Medical School in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Anny Usheva. During this time I worked on atherosclerosis as well as transcription related processes. To continue the work on blood vessels and obtain experience with the zebrafish as an ideal in vivo model for blood vessel development I joined the laboratory of Dr. Siekmann in 2013. Currently, I am working on the interplay of different pathways involved in vascular development.


Limbach C, Lange M, Schulze M and Tobiasch E. (2012) Recent Patents on Biomedical Applications for the Treatment of Atherosclerosis. Recent Patents on Regenerative Medicine, 2, 75-102 2, 75-102.

Alexandrov BS, Fukuyo Y, Lange M, Horikoshi N, Gelev V, Rasmussen KØ, Bishop AR and Usheva A. (2012) DNA breathing dynamics distinguish binding from nonbinding consensus sites for transcription factor YY1 in cells. Nucleic Acids Res., 40(20):10116-23.

Gelev V, Zabolotny JM, Lange M, Hiromura M, Yoo SW, Orlando JS, Kushnir A, Horikoshi N, Paquet E, Bachvarov D, Schaffer PA and Usheva A. (2014) A new paradigm for transcription factor TFIIB functionality. Sci Rep, 20;4:3664.

Lange M, Fujikawa T, Koulova A, Kang S, Griffin MJ, Lassaletta AD, Erat A, Tobiasch E, Bianchi C, Elmadhun N, Sellke FW and Usheva A. (2014) Arterial territory-specific phosphorylated retinoblastoma protein species and CDK2 promote differences in the vascular smooth muscle cell response to mitogens. Cell Cycle, 13(2):315-23.

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