Dr. Sana S. Hasan

I started my scientific career with a Bachelor’s degree in Biosciences from Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, India. I had my first experience as a researcher studying Polymerization of Serpins as a part of my undergraduate coursework. I moved on to purse a Master’s Degree in Biotechnology at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi with a special emphasis on medical Biotechnology. During my Master’s Dissertation I investigated the Humoral response to Mycobacerial Antigens in Bovines aiming at developing vaccines against Bovine Tuberculosis. After completing my Master’s Thesis I enrolled at the National Institute of Immunology, Delhi and would have continued in the field of Immunology if not for a brief visit to a Zebrafish facility. I was extremely enchanted by the idea of live microscopy and the first-hand information one could obtain about various developmental processes.

With the fascination for Zebrafish, I joined the Siekmann Lab as a Ph.D. student in 2013 and got associated with the CiM-IMPRS Graduate School. Currently, I am using Zebrafish embryos and the fin regeneration system in adult fishes to elucidate the dynamics of Notch Signaling during sprouting angiogenesis, employing the immense live microscopy opportunities the Zebrafish model provides.

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