Dr. David Schmidt
Schmidt D, Reuter H, Hüttner K, Ruhe L, Rabert F, Seebeck F, Irimia M, Solana J, and Bartscherer K (2018). The Integrator complex regulates differential snRNA processing and fate of adult stem cells in the highly regenerative planarian Schmidtea mediterranea. PLoS Genet 14:e1007828.
Owlarn S, Klenner F, Schmidt D, Rabert F, Tomasso A, Reuter H, Mulaw MA, Moritz S, Gentile L, Weidinger G, Bartscherer K. Generic wound signals initiate regeneration in missing-tissue contexts. Nat Commun 2017;8: 2282.
Müller H, Schmidt D, Dreher F, Herwig R, Ploubidou A & Lange BM (2011) Gene ontology analysis of the centrosome proteomes of Drosophila and human. Commun Integr Biol 4, 308-311.
Müller H*, Schmidt D*, Steinbrink S*, Mirgorodskaya E*, Lehmann V, Habermann K, Dreher F, Gustavsson N, Kessler T, Lehrach H, Herwig R, Gobom J, Ploubidou A, Boutros M & Lange BM (2010) Proteomic and functional analysis of the mitotic Drosophila centrosome. EMBO J 29, 3344-3357. *equal first authors
Schmidt D & Brennan SO (2007) Modified form of the fibrinogen Bbeta chain (des-Gln Bbeta), a potential long-lived marker of pancreatitis. Clin Chem 53, 2105-2111.
Meyer M, Dietzel H, Kaetzel R, Schmidt D, Liebscher K & Brennan SO (2007) Fibrinogen Leipzig II (gamma351Gly-->Ser and gamma82Ala-->Gly):hypodysfibrinogenaemia due to two independent amino acid substitutions within the same polypeptide chain. Thromb Haemost 98, 903-905.