Career with Kids and Caboodle
Child day care centre “Miniforscher*innen”
Work on your PhD and still have a baby? For many young scientists this scenario is almost unimaginable. Who would care for your child while you are working in the lab, doing experiments for days on end or writing your dissertation?
Employees of the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine don't have to worry about this. Our institute has a day care centre for children under the age of three, where parents can have their children looked after all day by trained childminders.
Comprehensive care - close by
The "Miniforscher*innen" day care centre is located in the Institute's guest house, right next to the main building.The day care centre is comprised of a group room, kitchen and bathroom, two rooms for sleeping and a generous yard with a playhouse and lots of toys. The babies and small children receive a lot of personal attention. We can look after up to nine children in our day care centre.
Who is eligible to apply for a place in the crèche?
All institute employees – both men and women – are eligible for this childcare service. It accommodates children aged 0 to 3 years. Upon request, the youth welfare office ('Jugendamt') can arrange a place in a kindergarten for older children.
Where can I apply for a place for my child?
Applications and requests for more information should be addressed to the contact persons.
To secure a place at the institute’s day care centre you must apply as early as possible.
Please take into consideration that there may be waiting times.
How much does a place in the day care centre cost?
The youth welface office sets the fee the parents are levied, just as in any public childcare facility. The amount depends on the extent of the childcare and the income of the parents. More information is available in the contribution table of the youth welfare office, "Kindertagesbetreuung".