About us
International team
Overall, more than 150 scientists from approximately 30 nations work here, among them biologists, physicians and physicists. The scientific staff is supported by about 120 other persons, e.g. in the departments, in the administration and in the animal facility.
Publicly funded
As is the case for all Max Planck Institutes, a large proportion of our budget is made up of public funds: half from Germany’s federal government and the other half from the state in which the respective institute is located. In our case, this is North Rhine Westphalia.
Research for the public
The focus of our work is on basic research: in other words, the pursuit of new knowledge without focusing on industrial or commercial goals, and serving the public interest.
The results of our work
can be found each year in numerous scientific publications, e.g. in renowned journals such as Nature, Science and Cell Stem Cells.