PhD Representatives

We are currently four PhD rep­res­ent­at­ives:

Mirjam Binner is the ex­ternal PhD rep­res­ent­at­ive mak­ing the link with the PhD­net of the Max Planck Society.
Deborah, Vinayak and Sabrina are the in­ternal ones.

If you have any ques­tion, prob­lem or doubt dur­ing your PhD, please con­tact us!
Our common email address is:


Ex­ternal PhD rep­res­ent­at­ive

Mirjam Binner

Mirjam Binner

PhD student
Department of Cell and Tissue Dynamics


Internal PhD representatives

Deborah Fröhlich

Deborah Fröhlich

PhD student
Department of Vascular Cell Biology
 Vinayak Sivaramakrishnan

Vinayak Sivaramakrishnan

PhD student
Department of Tissue Morphogenesis
Sabrina Vinzens

Sabrina Vinzens

PhD student
Department of Cell and Tissue Dynamics
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