Besides the departments, 3 research group leaders with their teams are currently established at the institute. Research groups are department-independent groups that have their own budgets - mostly with external financial resources.

Apart from these groups, Professor emeritus Dr. Hans R. Schöler, continues his employment for the Max Planck Society.

Here you will find an overview of the research groups:

Dr. Ivan Bedzhov
Embryonic Self-Organization
ERC Consolidator Group

Dr. Mara E. Pitulescu
Vascular Patterning Dynamics
Research Group

Dr. Mauricio Rocha-Martins
Embryo Self-Correction
Max Planck Research Group


Former group leaders:

Prof. Dr. Schöler, Dr. Thomas Rauen
MPG White Paper Emeritus Group

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Bartscherer

Prof. Dr. Tobias Cantz

Prof. Dr. Wiebke Herzog

Prof. Dr. Friedemann Kiefer

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Leidel

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arndt Siekmann

Prof. Dr. Erik Storkebaum

Prof. Dr. Britta Trappmann

Dr. Juan M Vaquerizas 


(former research group leaders are listed in alphabetical order)

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