In touch with science, technics and animals on Girls’ and Boys’ Day
Ten adolescents behind the scenes of the Max Planck institute in Münster
The Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine in Münster harbors behind the scenes of science many employees, who make research possible in the first place. Ten adolescents have accompanied exactly these employees through the Max Planck Institute during this year's Girls' and Boys' Day at April 23, 2015. Six girls and four boys were introduced to the professions of those persons, who normally stay in the background: employees of the house technics and the animal house, as well as technically experienced specialists who all work closely with the researchers.

In the morning, the girls accompanied the building services engineers through the institute. They not only gained insights into maintenance of the technical devices and machines in the institute, but also got to work practically. In the institute's own workshop, the girls did some electrical and metal works and could make their own mobile phone holders. In the afternoon, specialists for fluorescence and electron microscopy provided the girls with amazing insights into flatworms and blood vessel walls and explained the technical and physical aspects of microscopy.

The boys got to know two jobs that are dominated by women: in the morning, they dressed in labcoats and swinged the pipets as technical assistants. Then, in the afternoon, they slipped into the responsible role as animcal caretaker. Focus was the conscious and correct handling of the animals. During the day the adolescents acquired varied, exciting impressions from everyday work in a scientific institute.

At the end, both participants and organizers looked back at a successful day.