Young Su Kim


2011-2014 BSc - Biochemistry, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

2014-2015 MRes - Brain Sciences, University College London, United Kingdom

Since 2016 PhD student - Embryonic Self-Organization research group, MPI-MB 

Research interests: morphogenesis of the pluripotent lineage, peri-implantation development  


Yung Su Kim, Mei Yang, Wai-Kin Mat, Shui-Ying Tsang, Zhonghua Su, Xianfei Jiang, Siu-Kin Ng, Siyu Liu, Taobo Hu, Frank Pun, Yanhui Liao, Jinsong Tang, Xiaogang Chen, Wei Hao , Hong Xue (2015) GABRB2 haplotype association with heroin dependence in Chinese population. PLoS One

Angshumonik Angbohang, Na Wu, Thalis Charalambous, Karen Eastlake, Yuan Lei, Yung Su Kim, Xinghuai H. Sun, and G. Astrid Limbet al. (2015) Downregulation of the canonical Wnt signalling pathway by TGFβ1 inhibits photoreceptor differentiation of adult human Müller glia with stem cell characteristics. Stem Cells and Development

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