Max Planck Centers
The Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine was involved in two Max Planck Centers:
- Max Planck – The University of Tokyo Center of Integrative Inflammology, Tokyo, Japan (start: 2014)
- Max Planck – GIBH Joint Center for Regenerative Biomedicine, Guangzhou, China (start: 2016)
The Max Planck Centers constitute a substantial reinforcement of the international cooperation efforts of the Max Planck Society. The Max Planck Centers will bring the quality of scientific cooperation projects with first-class international partners in pioneering areas of research to a completely new level.
They form platforms within the scientific cooperation programmes, where the participating Max Planck Institutes and their international partners can bundle their knowledge, experience and expertise and combine complementary methods and know-how to create added scientific value. The Max Planck Centers are expected to stimulate the exchange of postdocs, organise common workshops and training activities, e.g. within the framework of an International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS), attract scientists from other disciplines as associated partners, promote the joint use of research infrastructure, apply for third-party funding for project cooperation and ensure mutual access to the respective research facilities an equipment.
The establishment of junior research groups or partner groups as a first step towards intensifying institutionalised cooperation is another possibility. The Centers will be financed with institutional funds from each partner, or with national project funding. They will not have any legal capacity in their own right.
The cooperation of the Centers will go far beyond bilateral partnerships: larger international research projects enjoy more visibility and are more attractive.