"Bridge builders" between philosophy and society
WWU-ethicist and Max Planck Fellow Bettina Schöne-Seifert invites to two top-class public lectures
As the final event of her Max Planck Fellowship, WWU-medical ethicist Bettina Schöne-Seifert organizes the scientific workshop "How Naturalistic are the Biomedical Sciences? Theroretical and Ethical Perspectives" on November 6-8, 2013. In this frame, she cordially invites the public to the lectures of the science theorist Nancy Cartwright (Durham, UK) and of the philosopher and former minister of state of culture Julian Nida-Rümelin (Munich). CHANGED DATA: Nida-Rümelin will be speaking on 6.11.2013 at 6:00 pm, Cartwright's lecture will be on 7.11.2013 at 6:30 pm. Both speakers are outstanding "bridge builders" between philosophy and society. The lectures are free of charge and open to all who are interested; the capacity of the Erbdrostenhof requires a registration, though.