PhD student Michael Glatza in finale of Falling Walls Lab 2014
100 young scientists present their research and ideas in talks of 3 minutes
A total of 100 young talents from 38 nations had passed a rigorous selection process and were bound for the international Falling Walls Lab Finale in Berlin. Among them was Michael Glatza, PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine.
In a 3-minute talk entitled "Breaking the Walls of Parkinson's Disease", Michael Glatza presented his research. With the help of the iPS-technology, Glatza has grown dopamin-producing neurons from Parkinson's patients on which he tested compounds that could protect neurons from the disease. Indeed, he found a compound that in the in vitro testing conditions could substantially prevent neurons from dying.
Also Peter Reinhardt (2013) and Susanne Höing (2012) from the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine had reached the finale of the interdisciplinary science contest.