Inner Worlds - Cells in motion from micro to macro
CiM picture exhibition with a contribution from the MPI for Molecular Biomedicine
At August 26, 2015, the picture exhibition "Inner Worlds - Cells in motion from micro to macro" of the "Cells in Motion" (CiM) Cluster of Excellence was opened in a ceremony on the Dominikaner church in Münster. With 27 colourful images, CiM-scientists give impressive insights into the inner workings of cells and organisms. One of the images originates from Florian Seebeck and Dr. Kerstin Bartscherer, Max Planck Research gorup leader at the MPI for Molecular Biomedicine.

With microscopes and tomographs, scientsist are on the scent of cells, and that in various spatial dimensions - from micro to macro. The images in the exhibition show how single cells look like, how they move along and communicate with each other, how the nervous system or other organs develop and how blood vessels are constructed. Some images show how diseases within the body appear. Focus of the science in CiM are inflammations that cause disorders of the vasculature and the nervous system and they may lead to heart attack, Multiple Sclerosis and rheumatism.
The large-sozed images can be viewed from August 26 - September 20, 2015. The exhibition is bilingual. More detailed information, e.g. on opening hours, is provided on the CiM-website.