Selected publications

Rocha-Martins M*#, Kretzschmar J, Nerli E, Weigert M, Icha J, Myers EW, Norden C. (2023). Neuronal migration prevents spatial competition in retinal morphogenesis. Nature 620, 615–624. *First author and #Co-corresponding author.

Rocha-Martins M+. (2023). Cell behaviors that pattern developing tissues: the case of the vertebrate nervous system. Current Topics in Developmental Biology ( +Corresponding author.

Nerli E, Rocha-Martins M#, Norden C. (2020). Asymmetric neurogenic commitment of retinal progenitors involves Notch through the endocytic pathway. eLife Nov 3;9:e60462. #Co-corresponding author.

Rocha-Martins M*#, de Toledo BC, Santos-França PL, Oliveira-Valença VM, Vieira-Vieira CH, Matos-Rodrigues GE, Linden R, Norden C, Martins RAP, Silveira MS. (2019). De novo genesis of retinal ganglion cells by targeted expression of KLF4 in vivo. Development. Aug 21;146(16). *First author and #Co-corresponding author.

Weigert M, Schmidt U, Boothe T, Müller A, Dibrov A, Jain A, Wilhelm B, Schmidt D, Broaddus C, Culley S, Rocha-Martins M, Segovia-Miranda F, Norden C, Henriques R, Zerial M, Solimena M, Rink J, Tomancak P, Royer L, Jug F, Myers EW. (2018). Content-aware image restoration: pushing the limits of fluorescence microscopy. Nature Methods Dec;15(12):1090-1097.

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