'Stiftung Bürger für Münster' presents its new calender in Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
Entrance hall of the institute arrays April page of the calender "Rätselhaftes Münster 2017"
The 'Bürgerstiftung' presented the fifth edition of the calender "Rätselhaftes Münster" on September 22, 2016. Also in this year, 12 mostly unfamiliar objects are portrayed, this time in the northwest of Münster. The objects were selected by Dr. Ralf Klötzer - photographer Andreas Lechtape has put the objects in scene in an attractive manner.
"With the Münster-calender, one can get to know less familiar places in Münster and also the manifold scene of civil engagement", stressed Hans-Peter Kosmider, chairman of the 'Bürgerstiftung.