Living in Münster
City of Münster: Housing market
Link list on the website of the City of Münster: Information on flat-hunting, accommodation costs, council flats.
City of Münster: Accommodation office
In German: municipal accommodation office and links to housing providers or agents
University of Münster: Living in Münster
Information and links on flat hunting
Studierzimmer Münster
This (German) website provides specific flat-hunting tips for students. The campaigne appeals to all citizens of Münster and the surrounding areas who maybe have a spare room or who want to invest in a room.
Studierendenwerk Münster: Housing complexes
In German: single rooms, single apartments and apartments with 2-6 rooms. Renting via Studierendenwerk Münster.
"das Brett"
Online portal for students in Münster (German)