Münster: Good to know
Information about the municipal institutions and offices
Münster's Citizens Office
Registration matters (registration, de-registration, change of address after moving), altering the address on car registration documents, issuing residents' parking permits and parking permits for the severely handicapped, applying for identity cards and passports, applying for or de-registering dog licences, lost property, certificates of good conduct, accreditation of documents and signatures, exemption from radio and television licence fees
City of Münster: A selection of other offices, institutions and contact partners
A selection of other offices, institutions and contact partners: e.g. waste management, Immigration Office, Health Office, Office for Children, Young Adults and Families, Municipal Public Order Office
Münster Marketing
For visitors: information on services, accomodation, places of interest, art and culture, shopping and going out, science and sports in Münster and Peace of Westphalia.
Website in multiple languanges.
Website in multiple languanges.
Münster Marketing: Art and culture
Münster Marketing informs on cultural events. Website in multiple languanges.
City of Münster: Leisure
Get inspired by "The World’s Most Liveable City" (LivCom-Award 2004)!
University Sports Münster
Programme offers on around 120 types of sports, sports tours, training courses, tournaments and international sports competitions for students and staff at the Münster University
Weather in Münster
Climate data for Münster of the Climatology working group in the Institute of Landscape Ecology of the WWU